April 7-9, 2017 · Denver, CO

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Have 8 smart people teach you how to design for mobile

If you want to design great mobile experiences, then check out these talks from UXIM16 that cover the following topics:

New Techniques for Designing the Right Things

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New Methods for Designing Things Right

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad nam illud referrentur suscipiantur, quo recteque splendide argumentum ei. Vero dicta voluptatibus an pri, cum vocibus perfecto no. Ei sea stet diceret fabellas. Qui id soleat deleniti verterem, nam eruditi explicari ut, discere invenire ea nec.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad nam illud referrentur suscipiantur, quo recteque splendide argumentum ei. Vero dicta voluptatibus an pri, cum vocibus perfecto no. Ei sea stet diceret fabellas. Qui id soleat deleniti verterem, nam eruditi explicari ut, discere invenire ea nec.

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Get lifetime access to all eight video recordings. If you're part of a team, everyone gets access to the videos.

Here are the full descriptions of the 8 UXIM17 talks:

Dissecting Design

Imagine showing clients your work in Week 1, before any details are refined or big decisions made. How would they respond? Ben Callahan knows, and he’ll tell you how his team transitioned away from a linear design process with a big reveal–ta-da!

Ben Callahan

Doing “Pocket Research” to Learn About Your Users’ Lives

Given the ubiquity of mobile–even among hard-to-reach populations–UX designers are poised to make data-driven design a standard practice. And gathering that data is easier than ever if you listen to Cyd Harrell, whose quick tips for doing mobile research are practical for any team.

Cyd Harrell

Building Design Systems from Atomic Elements

Are words like “speed” and “flexibility” part of your work? If so, don’t miss Brad Frost’s introduction to Atomic Design, a methodology he uses to break down page-based layouts into smaller components. He’ll talk about establishing your own system to create smart, scalable designs.

Cyd Harrell

Adapting to Different Forms of Input

For years, we treated the web as a fixed canvas that reacted only to keyboard and mouse inputs. Now we have touch screens, cameras, voice control, and sensors–but how do we design for the explosion of these dynamic inputs? Jason Grigsby has some ideas you’ll want to hear.

Jason Grigsby

Defining Your Mobile Content Strategy

Today, 33 percent of people in America only use a mobile device to browse online. So why are companies still approaching mobile content from a desktop perspective? Find out from Karen McGrane, who’ll discuss how to define a mobile content strategy that’ll work for your organization and your users, too.

Karen McGrane

Choosing Which Mobile Experience to Build

Should your organization design a native app, a mobile web app, or something in between? With Nate Schutta’s guidance, you’ll help your team answer this question by asking the “right” business questions, considering today’s UX trends, and keeping up with mobile’s constant evolution.

Nate Schutta